GdB House,Block H, Tegeta Dar es Salaam +255 767 105 027

Project   Management

1. Strategic Planning - We facilitate development of strategic plans by i) analysing the context, ii) developing theory of change, iii) prepare results frameworks, iv) setting perfomance targets and, v) identifying capacities and resources needed.

2. Project Appraisal - We assess economic and financial viability of public and private projects to help development actors make appropriate investment decisions.

3. Results Based Management - We help development actors to i) define results from development work, ii) identify metrics/KPIs to measure results, iii) set targets against benchmarks, iv) prioritize interventions to achieve results, v) undertake progress review and performance evaluation.

4. Grants Management – we help donors to i) set call for project concept notes and proposals, ii) evaluate project concept notes/proposals, iii) perform due diligence audit on successful applicants, iii) provide capacity building support, monitoring and evaluation for projects funded, iv) conduct value for money assessments on projects funded and, v) prepare performance review reports on projects funded.

5. Value for Money – we undertake value for money audit of the projects to match returns with investments made and provide recommendations.

6. Managerial Capacity – we improve managerial capacity of the board of directors and senior managers on leadership, policies, systems, tools and technology.

7. Transaction Advisory – we provide range transaction advisory services to all phases of project cycle for both public and private sector projects.